Title: | Marker-Based Estimation of Heritability Using Individual Plant or Plot Data |
Description: | Implements marker-based estimation of heritability when observations on genetically identical replicates are available. These can be either observations on individual plants or plot-level data in a field trial. Heritability can then be estimated using a mixed model for the individual plant or plot data. For comparison, also mixed-model based estimation using genotypic means and estimation of repeatability with ANOVA are implemented. For illustration the package contains several datasets for the model species Arabidopsis thaliana. |
Authors: | Willem Kruijer, with a contribution from Ian White (the internal function pin). Contains data collected by Padraic Flood and Rik Kooke. |
Maintainer: | Willem Kruijer <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.4 |
Built: | 2025-03-16 04:34:56 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/heritability |
The package implements marker-based estimation
of heritability when observations on genetically identical replicates are available.
These can be either observations on individual plants (e.g. in a growth chamber) or plot-level data in a field trial.
The function marker_h2
estimates heritability using a mixed model for the
individual plant or plot data, as proposed in Kruijer et al.
For comparison, also mixed-model based estimation using genotypic means (marker_h2_means
and estimation of repeatability with ANOVA (repeatability
) are implemented.
For illustration the package contains several datasets for the model species Arabidopsis thaliana.
Willem Kruijer Maintainer: Willem Kruijer <[email protected]>
Kruijer, W. et al. (2015) Marker-based estimation of heritability in immortal populations. Genetics, Vol. 199(2), p. 1-20.
# A) marker-based estimation of heritability, given individual plant-data # and a marker-based relatedness matrix: data(LDV) data(K_atwell) # This may take up to 30 sec. #out1 <- marker_h2(data.vector=LDV$LDV,geno.vector=LDV$genotype, # covariates=LDV[,4:8],K=K_atwell) # # B) marker-based estimation of heritability, given genotypic means # and a marker-based relatedness matrix: data(means_LDV) data(R_matrix_LDV) data(K_atwell) out2 <- marker_h2_means(data.vector=means_LDV$LDV,geno.vector=means_LDV$genotype, K=K_atwell,Dm=R_matrix_LDV) # # C) estimation of repeatability using ANOVA: data(LDV) out3 <- repeatability(data.vector=LDV$LDV,geno.vector= LDV$genotype, covariates.frame=as.data.frame(LDV[,3]))
# A) marker-based estimation of heritability, given individual plant-data # and a marker-based relatedness matrix: data(LDV) data(K_atwell) # This may take up to 30 sec. #out1 <- marker_h2(data.vector=LDV$LDV,geno.vector=LDV$genotype, # covariates=LDV[,4:8],K=K_atwell) # # B) marker-based estimation of heritability, given genotypic means # and a marker-based relatedness matrix: data(means_LDV) data(R_matrix_LDV) data(K_atwell) out2 <- marker_h2_means(data.vector=means_LDV$LDV,geno.vector=means_LDV$genotype, K=K_atwell,Dm=R_matrix_LDV) # # C) estimation of repeatability using ANOVA: data(LDV) out3 <- repeatability(data.vector=LDV$LDV,geno.vector= LDV$genotype, covariates.frame=as.data.frame(LDV[,3]))
Bolting time and leaf width for the Arabidopsis hapmap population
A data frame with phenotypic observations on bolting time and leaf width:
a factor, the levels being the accession or ecotype identifiers
Bolting time, in number of days
Leaf width
The replicate (or block) each plant is contained in (factor with levels 1
to 3
numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 1 and 0 otherwise
numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 2 and 0 otherwise
Willem Kruijer <[email protected]>; experiments conducted by Rik Kooke <[email protected]>
Kruijer, W. et al. (2015) Marker-based estimation of heritability in immortal populations. Genetics, Vol. 199(2), p. 1-20.
For the corresponding genetic relatedness matrix, see K_hapmap
Two data-frames containing individual plant data on flowering time under different conditions:
(Flowering time under long days and vernalization) and LD
(Flowering time under long days, without vernalization).
data(LD); data(LDV)
data(LD); data(LDV)
Data-frames with flowering time observations, genotype and design information:
a factor, the levels being the accession or ecotype identifiers
Flowering time under long days, in number of days
Flowering time under long days and vernalization, in number of days
The replicate (or block) each plant is contained in (factor with levels 1
to 6
numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 1 and 0 otherwise
numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 2 and 0 otherwise
numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 3 and 0 otherwise
numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 4 and 0 otherwise
numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 5 and 0 otherwise
All plants that had not flowered by the end of the experiment were given a phenotypic value of 200. Only accessions for which SNP-data are available are included here: 167 accessions in case of LD and 168 accessions in case of LDV.
Atwell, S., Y. S. Huang, B. J. Vilhjalmsson, G. Willems, M. Horton, et al. (2010) Genome-wide association study of 107 phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana inbred lines. Nature 465: 627-631.
Kruijer, W. et al. (2015) Marker-based estimation of heritability in immortal populations. Genetics, Vol. 199(2), p. 1-20.
For the corresponding genetic relatedness matrix, see K_atwell
data(LD); data(LDV)
data(LD); data(LDV)
Marker-based relatedness matrices based on the SNP-data from Horton et al. (2012).
Three matrices are provided:
(a) K_atwell
, for the 199 accessions studied in Atwell et al. (2010).
(b) K_hapmap
, for a subset of 350 accessions taken from the Arabidopsis hapmap (Li et al., 2010).
(c) K_swedish
, for 304 Swedish accessions.
All of these are part of the world-wide regmap of 1307 accessions, described in Horton et al. (2012).
data(K_atwell); data(K_hapmap); data(K_swedish)
data(K_atwell); data(K_hapmap); data(K_swedish)
Matrices whose row- and column names are the ecotype or seed-stock IDs of the accessions.
The matrices were computed using equation (2.2) in Astle and Balding (2009); see also
Goddard et al. (2009). The heritability
-package does not contain functions
to construct relatedness matrices from genotypic data, but such functions can be found in many other software packages.
For example, GCTA (Yang et al., 2011), LDAK (Speed et al., 2012), Fast-LMM (Lippert, 2011) and GEMMA (Zhou and Stephens, 2012).
W. Astle and D.J. Balding (2009) Population Structure and Cryptic Relatedness in Genetic Association Studies. Statistical Science, Vol. 24, No. 4, 451-471.
Atwell, S., Y. S. Huang, B. J. Vilhjalmsson, G. Willems, M. Horton, et al. (2010) Genome-wide association study of 107 phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana inbred lines. Nature 465: 627-631.
Goddard, M.E., Naomi R. Wray, Klara Verbyla and Peter M. Visscher (2009) Estimating Effects and Making Predictions from Genome-Wide Marker Data. Statistical Science, Vol. 24, No. 4, 517-529.
Horton, M. W., A. M. Hancock, Y. S. Huang, C. Toomajian, S. Atwell, et al. (2012) Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation in worldwide Arabidopsis thaliana accessions from the RegMap panel. Nature Genetics 44: 212-216.
Li, Y., Y. Huang, J. Bergelson, M. Nordborg, and J. O. Borevitz (2010) Association mapping of local climate-sensitive quantitative trait loci in arabidopsis thaliana. PNAS vol. 107, number 49.
Lippert, C., J. Listgarten, Y. Liu, C.M. Kadie, R.I. Davidson, et al. (2011) FaST linear mixed models for genome-wide association studies. Naure methods 8: 833-835.
Speed, D., G. Hemani, M. R. Johnson, and D.J. Balding (2012) Improved heritability estimation from genome-wide snps. the American journal of human genetics 91: 1011-1021.
Yang, J., S.H. Lee, M.E. Goddard, and P.M. Visscher (2011) GCTA: a tool for genomewide complex trait analysis. the American journal of human genetics 88: 76-82.
Zhou, X., and M. Stephens, (2012) Genome-wide efficient mixed-model analysis for association studies. Nature genetics 44: 821-824.
For phenotypic data for the population described in Atwell et al. (2010), see LD
and LDV
For phenotypic data for the hapmap, see BT_LW_H
and LA_H
For phenotypic data for the Swedish regmap, see LA_S
data(K_atwell) data(K_hapmap) data(K_swedish)
data(K_atwell) data(K_hapmap) data(K_swedish)
Arabidopsis leaf area data for the hapmap and Swedish regmap population.
data(LA_H); data(LA_S)
data(LA_H); data(LA_S)
Data frame with leaf area observations:
a factor, the levels being the accession identifiers
Leaf area 13 days after sowing, in numbers of pixels (hapmap)
Leaf area 13 days after sowing, in numbers of pixels (Swedish regmap)
The replicate (or block) each plant is contained in (factor with levels 1
to 4
numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 1 and 0 otherwise
numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 2 and 0 otherwise
numeric encoding of the factor replicate: equals 1 if the plant is in replicate 3 and 0 otherwise
The within image x-coordinate of the plant. A factor with levels 1
The within image y-coordinate of the plant. A factor with levels 1
numeric encoding of the factor x
: equals 1 if the plant is in position 1 and 0 otherwise
numeric encoding of the factor x
: equals 1 if the plant is in position 2 and 0 otherwise
numeric encoding of the factor y
: equals 1 if the plant is in position 1 and 0 otherwise
numeric encoding of the factor y
: equals 1 if the plant is in position 2 and 0 otherwise
numeric encoding of the factor y
: equals 1 if the plant is in position 3 and 0 otherwise
Willem Kruijer <[email protected]>; experiments conducted by Padraic Flood <[email protected]>
Kruijer, W. et al. (2015) Marker-based estimation of heritability in immortal populations. Genetics, Vol. 199(2), p. 1-20.
For the corresponding genetic relatedness matrices, see K_hapmap
and K_swedish
data(LA_H); data(LA_S)
data(LA_H); data(LA_S)
Given a genetic relatedness matrix and phenotypic observations at individual
plant or plot level, this function computes REML-estimates of the genetic and
residual variance and their standard errors, using the AI-algorithm (Gilmour et al. 1995).
Based on this, heritability estimates and confidence intervals are given
(the estimator in Kruijer et al.).
marker_h2(data.vector, geno.vector, covariates = NULL, K, alpha = 0.05, eps = 1e-06, max.iter = 100, fix.h2 = FALSE, h2 = 0.5)
marker_h2(data.vector, geno.vector, covariates = NULL, K, alpha = 0.05, eps = 1e-06, max.iter = 100, fix.h2 = FALSE, h2 = 0.5)
data.vector |
A vector of phenotypic observations. Needs to be of type numeric. May contain missing values. |
geno.vector |
A vector of genotype labels, either a factor or character. This vector should
correspond to |
covariates |
A data-frame or matrix with optional covariates, the rows corresponding to
the phenotypic observations in |
K |
A genetic relatedness or kinship matrix, typically marker-based.
Must have row- and column-names corresponding to the levels of |
alpha |
Confidence level, for the 1-alpha confidence intervals. |
eps |
Numerical precision, used as convergence criterion in the AI-algorithm. |
max.iter |
Maximal number of iterations in the AI-algorithm. |
fix.h2 |
Compute the log-likelihood and inverse AI-matrix for a fixed heritability value. Default is |
h2 |
When |
Given phenotypic observations for genotypes
and replicates
, the mixed model
is assumed. The vector of additive genetic effects
follows a
multivariate normal distribution with mean zero and covariance
is the additive genetic variance, and
is a genetic relatedness matrix derived from a dense set of markers.
The errors
are independent and normally distributed with variance
Under certain assumptions (see Speed et al. 2012) the marker- or chip-heritability
equals the narrow-sense heritability.
It is assumed that the genetic relatedness matrix is scaled such that
, where
is the projection matrix
, for the identity matrix
being a column vector of ones.
If this is not the case,
is automatically scaled prior to fitting the mixed model.
The model can optionally include a term , where
is the row vector with observations on
extra covariates and the vector
contains their effects.
In this case the argument
should be the (N x k) matrix or
data-frame with rows (N being the total number of observations).
Observations where either
or any of the covariates is missing are discarded.
Confidence intervals for heritability are constructed using the delta-method and the inverse AI-matrix.
The delta-method can be applied either directly to the
function or to the function
. In the latter case,
a confidence interval for
is obtained, which is back-transformed to a confidence interval for heritability.
This approach (proposed in Kruijer et al.) has the advantage that intervals are always contained in the unit interval.
The AI-algorithm is run for max.iter
iterations. If by then there is no convergence a warning is printed and the current estimates are returned.
A list with the following components:
va: REML-estimate of the (additive) genetic variance.
ve: REML-estimate of the residual variance.
h2: Plug-in estimate of heritability: .
conf.int1: 1-alpha confidence interval for heritability.
conf.int2: 1-alpha confidence interval for heritability, obtained by application of the delta method on a logarithmic scale.
inv.ai: The inverse of the average information (AI) matrix.
loglik: The log-likelihood.
Willem Kruijer.
Gilmour et al. Gilmour, A.R., R. Thompson and B.R. Cullis (1995) Average Information REML: An Efficient Algorithm for Variance Parameter Estimation in Linear Mixed Models. Biometrics, volume 51, number 4, 1440-1450.
Kruijer, W. et al. (2015) Marker-based estimation of heritability in immortal populations. Genetics, Vol. 199(2), p. 1-20.
Speed, D., G. Hemani, M. R. Johnson, and D.J. Balding (2012) Improved heritability estimation from genome-wide snps. the American journal of human genetics 91: 1011-1021.
For marker-based estimation of heritability using genotypic means, see
data(LD) data(K_atwell) # Heritability estimation for all observations: #out <- marker_h2(data.vector=LD$LD,geno.vector=LD$genotype, # covariates=LD[,4:8],K=K_atwell) # Heritability estimation for a randomly chosen subset of 20 accessions: set.seed(123) sub.set <- which(LD$genotype %in% sample(levels(LD$genotype),20)) out <- marker_h2(data.vector=LD$LD[sub.set],geno.vector=LD$genotype[sub.set], covariates=LD[sub.set,4:8],K=K_atwell)
data(LD) data(K_atwell) # Heritability estimation for all observations: #out <- marker_h2(data.vector=LD$LD,geno.vector=LD$genotype, # covariates=LD[,4:8],K=K_atwell) # Heritability estimation for a randomly chosen subset of 20 accessions: set.seed(123) sub.set <- which(LD$genotype %in% sample(levels(LD$genotype),20)) out <- marker_h2(data.vector=LD$LD[sub.set],geno.vector=LD$genotype[sub.set], covariates=LD[sub.set,4:8],K=K_atwell)
Given a genetic relatedness matrix and genotypic means,
this function computes REML-estimates of the genetic and
residual variance and their standard errors, using the AI-algorithm (Gilmour et al. 1995).
Based on this, heritability estimates and confidence intervals are given
(the estimator in Kruijer et al.).
marker_h2_means(data.vector, geno.vector, K, Dm=NULL, alpha = 0.05, eps = 1e-06, max.iter = 100, fix.h2 = FALSE, h2 = 0.5, grid.size=99)
marker_h2_means(data.vector, geno.vector, K, Dm=NULL, alpha = 0.05, eps = 1e-06, max.iter = 100, fix.h2 = FALSE, h2 = 0.5, grid.size=99)
data.vector |
A vector of phenotypic observations, typically genotypic means. Needs to be of type numeric. May contain missing values. |
geno.vector |
A vector of genotype labels, either a factor or character. This vector should
correspond to |
K |
A genetic relatedness or kinship matrix, typically marker-based.
Must have row- and column-names corresponding to the levels of |
Dm |
Covariance of the genotypic means contained in data.vector; see details. Should be of class matrix, with row- and column-names corresponding to the levels of |
alpha |
Confidence level, for the 1-alpha confidence intervals. |
eps |
Numerical precision, used as convergence criterion in the AI-algorithm. |
max.iter |
Maximal number of iterations in the AI-algorithm. |
fix.h2 |
Compute the log-likelihood and inverse AI-matrix for a fixed heritability value. Default is |
h2 |
When |
grid.size |
If the AI-algorithm has not converged after |
Given phenotypic observations for genotypes
, the mixed model
is assumed. Typically, the
are genotypic means or BLUEs obtained from fitting a linear (mixed) model to
the raw data, containing several plants or plots for each genotype.
The vector of additive genetic effects
follows a
multivariate normal distribution with mean zero and covariance
is the additive genetic variance, and
is a genetic relatedness matrix derived from a dense set of markers.
The vector of errors
follows a
multivariate normal distribution with mean zero and covariance
is the covariance of the means obtained from the initial analysis.
In case of a completely randomized design with
replicates for genotypes
is diagonal with elements
Under certain assumptions (see Speed et al. 2012) the marker- or chip-heritability
equals the narrow-sense heritability.
As in the marker_h2
function, it is assumed that the genetic relatedness matrix is scaled such that
, where
is the projection matrix
, for the identity matrix
being a column vector of ones.
If this is not the case,
is automatically scaled prior to fitting the mixed model.
No covariates can be included, as it is assumed that these are available at plant- or plot level, and accounted for in the genotypic means.
The resulting heritability estatimes are less accurate than those obtained from individual plant or plot data, and the likelihood can be monotone
in . If the AI-algorithm has not converged after
the likelihood is computed on the grid of heritability values 1/(grid.size
As in the marker_h2
function, confidence intervals for heritability are constructed using the delta-method and the inverse AI-matrix.
The delta-method can be applied either directly to the
function or to the function
. In the latter case,
a confidence interval for
is obtained, which is back-transformed to a confidence interval for heritability.
This approach (proposed in Kruijer et al.) has the advantage that intervals are always contained in the unit interval.
A list with the following components:
va: REML-estimate of the (additive) genetic variance.
ve: REML-estimate of the residual variance.
h2: Plug-in estimate of heritability: .
conf.int1: 1-alpha confidence interval for heritability.
conf.int2: 1-alpha confidence interval for heritability, obtained by application of the delta method on a logarithmic scale.
inv.ai: The inverse of the average information (AI) matrix.
loglik: The log-likelihood.
loglik.vector: Empty numeric vector if the AI-algorthm converged within iterations. Otherwise it contains the log-likelihood on a grid.
Willem Kruijer.
Gilmour et al. Gilmour, A.R., R. Thompson and B.R. Cullis (1995) Average Information REML: An Efficient Algorithm for Variance Parameter Estimation in Linear Mixed Models. Biometrics, volume 51, number 4, 1440-1450.
Kruijer, W. et al. (2015) Marker-based estimation of heritability in immortal populations. Genetics, Vol. 199(2), p. 1-20.
Speed, D., G. Hemani, M. R. Johnson, and D.J. Balding (2012) Improved heritability estimation from genome-wide snps. the American journal of human genetics 91: 1011-1021.
For marker-based estimation of heritability using individual plant or plot data, see
data(means_LDV) data(R_matrix_LDV) data(K_atwell) out <- marker_h2_means(data.vector=means_LDV$LDV,geno.vector=means_LDV$genotype, K=K_atwell,Dm=R_matrix_LDV) # Takes about a minute: #data(means_LD) #data(R_matrix_LD) #out <- marker_h2_means(data.vector=means_LD$LD,geno.vector=means_LD$genotype, # K=K_atwell,Dm=R_matrix_LD) # The likelihood is monotone increasing: #plot(x=(1:99)/100,y=out$loglik.vector,type="l",ylab="log-likelihood",lwd=2, # main='',xlab='h2',cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2.5)
data(means_LDV) data(R_matrix_LDV) data(K_atwell) out <- marker_h2_means(data.vector=means_LDV$LDV,geno.vector=means_LDV$genotype, K=K_atwell,Dm=R_matrix_LDV) # Takes about a minute: #data(means_LD) #data(R_matrix_LD) #out <- marker_h2_means(data.vector=means_LD$LD,geno.vector=means_LD$genotype, # K=K_atwell,Dm=R_matrix_LD) # The likelihood is monotone increasing: #plot(x=(1:99)/100,y=out$loglik.vector,type="l",ylab="log-likelihood",lwd=2, # main='',xlab='h2',cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2.5)
Accession means for the flowering time data contained in LD
and LDV
data(means_LD); data(means_LDV)
data(means_LD); data(means_LDV)
Data-frames with flowering time means:
a factor, the levels being the accession or ecotype identifiers
Flowering time under long days, in number of days
Flowering time under long days and vernalization, in number of days
Following Kruijer et al. (appendix A) these means were defined as the least-squares estimate for the factor accession, in a linear model containing both accession and replicate effects. Consequently there are differences compared to Atwell et al. (2010), where just the arithmetic averages are considered.
Atwell, S., Y. S. Huang, B. J. Vilhjalmsson, G. Willems, M. Horton, et al. (2010) Genome-wide association study of 107 phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana inbred lines. Nature 465: 627-631.
Kruijer, W. et al. (2015) Marker-based estimation of heritability in immortal populations. Genetics, Vol. 199(2), p. 1-20.
Together with the covariance matrices contained in R_matrix_LD
, the means contained in means_LD
and means_LDV
can be used to estimate heritability, using the function marker_h2_means
For the corresponding genetic relatedness matrix, see K_atwell
For the individual plant data, see floweringTime
data(means_LD) data(means_LDV)
data(means_LD) data(means_LDV)
Covariance matrices of the accession means for flowering time contained in means_LD
and means_LDV
, derived from the Atwell et al. (2010) data.
Matrix whose row- and column names are the ecotype-IDs of the accessions contained in
and LDV
The matrix was computed as in Kruijer et al., Appendix A.
Atwell, S., Y. S. Huang, B. J. Vilhjalmsson, G. Willems, M. Horton, et al. (2010) Genome-wide association study of 107 phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana inbred lines. Nature 465: 627-631.
Kruijer, W. et al. (2015) Marker-based estimation of heritability in immortal populations. Genetics, Vol. 199(2), p. 1-20.
Together with the corresponding means contained in means_LD
and means_LDV
these matrices can be used to estimate heritability, using the function marker_h2_means
data(R_matrix_LD); data(R_matrix_LDV)
data(R_matrix_LD); data(R_matrix_LDV)
Given a population where each genotype is phenotyped for a number of genetically
identical replicates (either individual plants or plots in a field trial), the repeatability
or intra-class correlation can be estimated by
, where
. In these expressions,
is the number of replicates per genotype, and
the mean sums of squares for genotype and residual error obtained from analysis
of variance. In case
is set to zero.
See Singh et al. (1993) or Lynch and Walsh (1998), p.563.
When the genotypes have differing numbers of replicates,
is replaced by
, where
Under the assumption that all differences between genotypes are genetic,
repeatability equals broad-sense heritability; otherwise it only provides an upper-bound for broad-sense heritability.
repeatability(data.vector, geno.vector, line.repeatability = FALSE, covariates.frame = data.frame())
repeatability(data.vector, geno.vector, line.repeatability = FALSE, covariates.frame = data.frame())
data.vector |
A vector of phenotypic observations. Needs to be of type numeric. May contain missing values. |
geno.vector |
A vector of genotype labels, either a factor or character. This vector should
correspond to |
line.repeatability |
If |
covariates.frame |
A data-frame with additional covariates, the rows corresponding to
A list with the following components:
repeatability: the estimated repeatability.
gen.variance: the estimated genetic variance.
res.variance: the estimated residual variance.
line.repeatability: whether repeatability was estimated at the
individual plant or plot level (the default), or at the level of
genotypic means (in the latter case, line.repeatability=TRUE
average.number.of.replicates: The average number of replicates. See the description above.
conf.int: Confidence interval for repeatability. See Singh et al. (1993) or Lynch and Walsh (1998)
Willem Kruijer [email protected]
Kruijer, W. et al. (2015) Marker-based estimation of heritability in immortal populations. Genetics, Vol. 199(2), p. 1-20.
Lynch, M., and B. Walsh (1998) Genetics and Analysis of Quantitative Traits. Sinauer As- sociates, 1st edition.
Singh, M., S. Ceccarelli, and J. Hamblin (1993) Estimation of heritability from varietal trials data. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 86: 437-441.
repeatability(data.vector=rep(rnorm(26),each=5) + rnorm(5*26), geno.vector=rep(letters,each=5))
repeatability(data.vector=rep(rnorm(26),each=5) + rnorm(5*26), geno.vector=rep(letters,each=5))